Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Be still. Be quiet. And know that we have a God that loves us.

A few weeks ago I moved into a new home. Lacy (roommate) and I have worked hard at making our new place a home. One thing I wanted to do when I got into this new place was create a space in my bedroom for prayer. A place where I can spend time each day with God.

Each night when I go upstairs I turn off the cell phone. Turn on the lamp (never a big fan of overhead lighting) and light my prayer candle. After getting ready for the evening slumber comes my favorite part of the evening. I sit in my prayer chair and spend sometime being still, being quiet(never an easy thing for me to do) and let God love me. Prayer is always different, never structured and always life giving. This has become my favorite part of each evening.

At the end of prayer I turned off the light and crawl into bed and just let the softness of the candle flames dance on the walls around me. It is the perfect way to end the day.

Like most things in my life I have rules for the prayer chair. Nothing ever gets put into the prayer chair, such as clothes, books or other items that would prevent me from sitting in it. I am only allowed to sit there when I am in prayer.

If you do not have a space for prayer, try it, you will be amazed at how that space will transform your life. If you would ever like to join me, you are always welcome!


  1. I don't think two loaders could fit in that prayer chair. We'll experiment.

  2. I'm sure the three of us could fit no problem. BTW what a great post.
