Sunday, April 10, 2011


I have started to notice a lot of progress in my healing the past few weeks so I thought now would be a nice time to share.
* I am able to go up and down stairs more maybe 2 or 3 times a day. It still takes a lot out of me to go up and I am not able to really carry anything because I still need to hold on to the railing for support but it is nice to be a bit more mobile.
* I have been able to do more things around the house. I cleaned the kitchen floor this weekend and was also able to mop!
* I am slowly starting to gain more balance when walking on uneven surfaces. Walking up hills or even slight inclines is a challenge because it pulls on my legs in a painful way but it is getting easier.
* I have started to use my handicap sticker less and less and that is a GREAT feeling.
*Also, I can pick items up and bend over a lot easier. I can now carry my laundry basket and not pull it behind/next to me!

My feet are still tingly. Kneeling at church is still something I can't do. It just hurts from my knees down but I am ok with the progress I am making.

I know I have thanked a lot of people but I am truly thankful for everyone who has helped me: co-workers, family, friends, roommate, and boyfriend. I have had so many friends who have traveled a long way just spend time with me and cheer me up. Thank you all.

Also Seth, STM helped me proofread this so I hope it is up to your liking.

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