Then flew to TX for Christmas down south with Ray and Mary, Mom and Dad, or parental units..Good times, nice to be in warm weather for a few days and go swimming outside.
The new year came with me hanging out with some of my best friends playing with the cutest baby EVER (other then myself), having a few drinks and playing cards. I am thankful for our time together, what an amazing way to bring in a new year.
With that being said, I have always hated New Years. I find it depressing. It's the only night of the year that you are expected to have fun, go out, and be with friends. Also, what about when you are not ready for a new start? I pray for motivation to embrace this New Year, to get my ass moving again and find some ounce of motivation to "start new". I always feel like doing this in the middle of Jan or Feb. Maybe that's better then not doing it all... I have chosen to not do anything new for this year other then work on getting healthy (sooo not going well, it might have to do with the fact is is not the middle of Jan or Feb yet). For those of you who have new year goals, good job, I hope you remember them in March and succeed!